Friday 6 December 2013

You may be wondering why I shaved my lid for a brave kid, I did it because cancer is too close to home :(

 It first started with my brother, he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease and went through 12 months off and on chemotherapy, I didn't see him go through it as I was in my first trimester in my first pregnancy and too risky to see my brother, and I know if I did see him it would've broken me down. My brother had Mum+Dad to help him through all the chemo he had so family support was there for him :)

Second I found out this February that my niece just 2 years old had cancer of the eye and she had to go through 6 months chemotherapy on and off which meant her Mum+Dad (my Sister and Brother-in-law) had to travel to and fro home to Auckland to stay at Starship Childrens Hospital, my niece is also down syndrome so that was a double whammy for all of us. My niece lost her eye and now has a fake one to replace it so she only sees out of one eye like us closing one eye and that's how she sees now.

Thirdly I lost my Dad to cancer of the pancreas and liver, his cancer journey was a very fast one, within 2 months of  knowing Dad passed away, 27 August 2013, a date that will always be remembered.

Yes cancer has been too close to home and all of the above inspired me to Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid.

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