Monday 9 December 2013

Yes  I will be treated differently after I shave my lid for a brave kid by some people. Today as a passenger in car with husband driving we were in a lane merging into one and my husband tells me a woman in her car next to ours STARED AT ME (wearing my bandana) and suddenly pulled back to let my husband into the lane. The other day I was in mall with my sons and one ran off and I didn't know where he was until someone saw me and said my son had gone outside of the mall running up and down the carpark ramps, I've never been treated this nice before when I've been out and about with my sons. Wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana is affecting how some people are treating me with sympathy, you wouldn't know if I actually had cancer or had just done the CHILD CANCER FUNRAZOR unless you asked and how awkward would that be like seeing a woman who looks pregnant but isn't, we just don't want to take the risk of insulting someone.

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