Friday 6 December 2013

It's all done Funrazor Child Cancer a HUGE SUCCESS, Christchurch alone raised $40,000! With lots of generous donations to my funraiser page they helped me raise $270 :)

Now my head has been shaved it feels weird. Today so hot in Christchurch I put sunscreen on my head and wear a bandana too, gotta protect my lid from the sun. I've had some looks from people but none have made a comment to my face, yet. Watch This Space.

Now my hair's gone I've got to get used to this:

Since I Shaved My Lid For A Brave Kid my first night sleeping on my pillow felt like my head was sinking into the pillow, freaky. Today wearing the pink bandana from CANTEEN every time I moved my head it felt like the bandana had come off, it hadn't just felt like it. I'm getting kids staring when I pick up my kids from school and my cat he's not too sure about my new look. I gotta say putting sunscreen on my head feels strange but I know with summer here I've got to protect my head so sunscreen and bandana. I wonder how everyone else who Shaved their Lid for a Brave Head is doing adjusting to having no hair. While I was having my hair shaved I felt a cool breeze on my head and today so damn hot I was reapplying sunscreen at least twice.

FYI  I've got a video of  me having Me Shave my Lid for a Brave Kid at I can tell you it took 6 mins 58 seconds to shave it all off.

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