Monday 30 December 2013

Happy New Years Eve Everyone

I started naming my blog Will I Be Treated Differently After I Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid, now I'm thinking of changing it to How Will I Cope After I Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid, because I'm not coping too well at all :(  I'm so over headaches/migraines 'cause my head gets TOO HOT TO HANDLE. I soak my CANTEEN Bandana several times to help keep my head cool.
I know we're going to get HOT HOT DAYS IN SUMMER so I've gotta protect my head and I'll be glad when my hair is long enough to not  have to wear my pink bandana and not have headaches/migraines to deal with too.
After blah blah blah I think how it must be for the kids who have cancer and have to deal with what I've been complaining about and more, it must really stink and makes my problems seem insignificant.

See Ya in 2014. Have a good one :)

Thursday 26 December 2013

Hey Ya'll :)  Hope You All had a great xmas and looking forward to a better year 2014. My migraines continue and yesterday I had to take 2 migraine tablets before I had a full on migraine attack, thank goodness for medication without it I would've been admitted to hospital again. I don't think it was all not having hair related my two sons stressed me real bad so it was more likely to do with them ;)

It's been 22 days since I Shaved My Lid for a Brave Kid and my hair is slowly returning, still wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana on hot days and soaking it too, dry isn't good wet stops headaches/migraines too. Below are Before and After pics.

                                                           22 DAYS LATER

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Well it's Xmas Eve and Merry Xmas to all for tomorrow. I'm sorry to say now that I Shaved My Lid for a Brave Kid it's causing me migraines and my head feels so hot I'm soaking my pink CANTEEN bandana and wearing it on my head inside to try and cool it down. So It was my first CHILD CANCER FUNRAZOR and will be my last due to constant persisting migraines (I've already had 6 Panadol tablets today). I will still support Child Cancer by donating usually via text it's my favourite way to donate to charity cos it's very convenient. HAVE A GREAT XMAS EVERYONE. SEE YOU IN 2014, just 7 days away.

Pictured Me with Shortland St on screen  Bonnie obsessed fan of Nicole AKA Steph Cusick. I met Steph when Me and My Sons went collecting for SAFE.

Saturday 21 December 2013

I was collecting for SAFE yesterday in Cashel St Re: Mall and I saw someone I knew, I said hi asked if they wanted to give for the animals and she only had EFTPOST so no donation was made. She asked me if I was sick, I said what. At the Addington School Twilight Fair (6 December the day after I Shaved My Head for a Brave Kid) people saw me wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana and assumed I had cancer. I told her I didn't have cancer just shaved my lid for Child Cancer, it's interesting how people assume that when they see Me or Anyone wearing a bandana to cover their shaved head they assume the person has cancer, a very typical stereotype.

Back to collecting for SAFE  below is a pic of Me and my two little helpers, my sons, in our awesome costumes.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Hey ya'll. I was on bus to city today and I got stares from kids just couldn't take their eyes off my head, just stared no words were spoken to me, for a couple of kids they were very quiet which to me as a mum is very unusual I'm used to NOISE.
A little off subject just want to wish You All MERRY XMAS, have a good one.

One Last Thing. Since I Shaved My Lid for a Brave Kid I've discovered an addiction, my addiction is using other peoples money for charity AKA Volunteering. Since Child Cancer Funrazor I've collected for Paediatrics Christchurch Hospital and this Saturday 21 December I will be collecting for SAFE raising money to help animals have a better life, in Cashel St Re:Start Mall yes the same location the Child Cancer Funrazor was, and if weather is good I'll be in costume, it's fun to dress up for a worthy cause. I will have two little helpers too.

Monday 16 December 2013

It's been 12 days since I Shaved My Lid for a Brave Kid and it's staring to grow back and man does it itch! The weather has cooled down so I haven't been wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana so my hair just looks like normal so no more stares or sympathy. I wonder how the other 39 people who Shaved Their Lid for a Brave Kid are doing.

12 Days later


Thursday 12 December 2013

No looks or stares at my bandana today. I've gotta be careful with the heat, yesterday I had a migraine because of the heat, now I wet my bandana to help keep my head cool, just started doing it today and it does keep my head cool, when I'm not wearing my cycle helmet I'm wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana and a Cancer Society sunhat, yes I do have a theme, and sunscreen on my head too. It's been a week since the Child Cancer Funrazor and little by little my hair is growing back.

If there's anyone else who did the Funrazor I'd love to hear how you're doing with not having hair and not just having to look after your bald head if you're getting treated differently too. If you have a blogger or facebook or email I'd love to hear from you.

Monday 9 December 2013

Yes  I will be treated differently after I shave my lid for a brave kid by some people. Today as a passenger in car with husband driving we were in a lane merging into one and my husband tells me a woman in her car next to ours STARED AT ME (wearing my bandana) and suddenly pulled back to let my husband into the lane. The other day I was in mall with my sons and one ran off and I didn't know where he was until someone saw me and said my son had gone outside of the mall running up and down the carpark ramps, I've never been treated this nice before when I've been out and about with my sons. Wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana is affecting how some people are treating me with sympathy, you wouldn't know if I actually had cancer or had just done the CHILD CANCER FUNRAZOR unless you asked and how awkward would that be like seeing a woman who looks pregnant but isn't, we just don't want to take the risk of insulting someone.

Friday 6 December 2013

You may be wondering why I shaved my lid for a brave kid, I did it because cancer is too close to home :(

 It first started with my brother, he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease and went through 12 months off and on chemotherapy, I didn't see him go through it as I was in my first trimester in my first pregnancy and too risky to see my brother, and I know if I did see him it would've broken me down. My brother had Mum+Dad to help him through all the chemo he had so family support was there for him :)

Second I found out this February that my niece just 2 years old had cancer of the eye and she had to go through 6 months chemotherapy on and off which meant her Mum+Dad (my Sister and Brother-in-law) had to travel to and fro home to Auckland to stay at Starship Childrens Hospital, my niece is also down syndrome so that was a double whammy for all of us. My niece lost her eye and now has a fake one to replace it so she only sees out of one eye like us closing one eye and that's how she sees now.

Thirdly I lost my Dad to cancer of the pancreas and liver, his cancer journey was a very fast one, within 2 months of  knowing Dad passed away, 27 August 2013, a date that will always be remembered.

Yes cancer has been too close to home and all of the above inspired me to Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid.
It's all done Funrazor Child Cancer a HUGE SUCCESS, Christchurch alone raised $40,000! With lots of generous donations to my funraiser page they helped me raise $270 :)

Now my head has been shaved it feels weird. Today so hot in Christchurch I put sunscreen on my head and wear a bandana too, gotta protect my lid from the sun. I've had some looks from people but none have made a comment to my face, yet. Watch This Space.

Now my hair's gone I've got to get used to this:

Since I Shaved My Lid For A Brave Kid my first night sleeping on my pillow felt like my head was sinking into the pillow, freaky. Today wearing the pink bandana from CANTEEN every time I moved my head it felt like the bandana had come off, it hadn't just felt like it. I'm getting kids staring when I pick up my kids from school and my cat he's not too sure about my new look. I gotta say putting sunscreen on my head feels strange but I know with summer here I've got to protect my head so sunscreen and bandana. I wonder how everyone else who Shaved their Lid for a Brave Head is doing adjusting to having no hair. While I was having my hair shaved I felt a cool breeze on my head and today so damn hot I was reapplying sunscreen at least twice.

FYI  I've got a video of  me having Me Shave my Lid for a Brave Kid at I can tell you it took 6 mins 58 seconds to shave it all off.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Yes tomorrow Thursday 5 December 2013 I will Shave My Lid for a Brave Kid and after I'll see if I'm treated differently having no hair. Watch this space.

Monday 2 December 2013

Yes this Thursday 5 December I will be in Christchurch to Shave My Lid for a Brave Kid for Child Cancer. I'm not nervous having my head shaved I'm anxious how I'll be seen after I Shave My Lid for a Brave Kid. Watch this space.