Thursday 2 January 2014

To start 2014 I was in South City Mall, Christchurch and After eating a scrumptious sandwich from PITA PIT my 8 year old son wanted one too so I asked him to stay with our stuff (lots of baggage when out and about with kids when I don't drive) so I could go get him one. There was a man and woman next to us in the food court and the man offered to look after our stuff so my son could go play in playground instead of waiting until I got back with my son's Pita sandwich. It was kind of him to offer to look after our stuff and yes I was wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana at this time, I've never had someone offer to look after my stuff before, so again when wearing the pink bandana I was treated differently with kindness.

It's getting so HOT I'm wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana everyday even inside, without hair my head cooks and causes headaches/migraines too and wearing my soaked bandana feels like having my hair back, I forget I'm wearing my bandana till I'm getting ready for bed and I realise oh yeah I'm wearing my bandana better take it off.

At the Child Cancer Funrazor last December there was a boy who was shaving his head for the 5th time! Good on him 'cause it was my first and last I'm just not coping well without my hair, I guess going into pre-menopause at 37 years isn't helping either not having hair. I never realised how shaving my head has affected my health mainly causing headaches/migraines too.

This is the pink CANTEEN bandana I'm always saying about and now you can see what I look like when I'm wearing it, would you think I had cancer just seeing me wearing it?

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