Sunday 18 May 2014


5 DECEMBER  2013


 MARCH 2014
 APRIL 2014
MAY 2014
Yes my final pic of hair growth after a whole year. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much as I enjoyed blogging ;)

Sunday 2 March 2014


Today was Children's Day at Ferrymead Heritage Park, Christchurch and when I saw the train I shed some tears for my Dad who died from pancreatic cancer last August 2013. My Dad LOVED TRAINS and seeing them at Ferrymead made me think of him. My two sons and husband thought of Dad, their grandad today too. I felt like my Dad's spirit was at Ferrymead riding on all the trains he could.

When my Dad passed away I was at Chch Public Hospital in Neurology Ward admitted for a migraine, yes and that morning in hospital I got the call that Dad had passed away, the time was 30 minutes after I had been admitted to Neurology.

Since Dad has been gone we've had our first Christmas, my first birthday and I did shed tears knowing Dad wasn't here anymore, he always remembered my birthday. We've had our first New Years, and my son's first birthday without his grandad. My husband was right reality of losing a loved one kicks in that  they're gone happens with occasions we would've heard from Dad or seen him. We lost Dad at 65 years old, and his cancer journey was over within months, very quick. My Dad's last days were in Pallative Care and pain free with his 2 daughters, son and wife with him, since I was in hospital I couldn't be there, I'm just glad Dad had his family with him at the end and I was happy for my sons and husband and myself to have seen Dad before it was too late.

Monday 24 February 2014

Hey Ya'll . I didn't win FAMILY TIMES BLOG COMPETITION but it's encouraged me to blog and I love blogging so thanks Rochelle she's the one who helped me set up my blog, it took me a few tries but with Rochelle's help and my persistence success.

Update of how my hair is growing back.


AFTER with my two sons
 24 FEBRUARY 2014
The paper I'm holding has my name written in Japanese Calligraphy, done at Canterbury Japan Day yesterday Sunday 23 February 2014 at Riccarton Race Course.



Thursday 6 February 2014

Hey People this is the last entry as part of Family Times Blog Competition.

My experience after Shaving My Lid For A Brave Kid has been an experience I'll always remember, the generosity of family and friends to help Me raise $270 for Child Cancer a great effort.

After having done this Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid 'cause of constant migraines/headaches and having to wear my pink CANTEEN bandana soaked to keep my head cool, I won't be Shaving My Lid For A BRAVE KID again, however I will donate to Child Cancer and support anyone I know willing to SHAVE THEIR LID FOR A BRAVE KID.

Cancer is close to home my brother had Hogkins Disease and went through chemotherapy and got through it, I couldn't be there as it happened first trimester during pregnancy and too risky for both of us.

My 2 year old niece went through chemotherapy to help cancer in her eye, and it has been successful and having Starship Hospital was great support for my sister and husband too.

Lastly I lost my Dad to cancer of the pancreas last August, it happened very fast and within months he was gone.

I'm just GRATFUL for all the SUPPPORT there is for people going through a CANCER JOURNEY, not a pleasant time but good to know there is HELP :)

So this is the end of my blog SHAVING MY LID FOR A BRAVE KID.

Now this blog has come to an end I've enjoyed blogging so much I've got another blog all about Mums, everything to do with them
Thanks to all who read my blog and voted for my blog too.
I gotta say I like my new hairdo and don't miss my long hair at all ;)

Friday 31 January 2014

Woke this morning with a migraine, lucky to have tablets to help, so took 2 and wearing my damp pink CANTEEN bandana to help, head's still thumping but at least the migraine tablets are helping to keep me from hospital. Yes I got woken by my 2 sons, They are SO LOUD!!! Within minutes with me yelling at them to BE QUIET! The migraine began.

Monday 27 January 2014

I got my before and after pics from Claire Wilkinson Ambassador of Child Cancer Funrazor. Enjoy.


                                                         AFTER with my two sons

                                                                 Now 26 January 2014

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Hey People not much to say just that my hair is long enough for my comb now so slowly growing back and still wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana soaked to keep my head cool, we've had HOT SUMMER DAYS in Christchurch.

Thanks to all who have been reading my post and voting for me on Family Times Blog Competition too.

I've gone from this...

                                                     To this...

Thursday 16 January 2014

Hey Readers not much to say haven't felt I've been treated differently lately but when I wear my pink CANTEEN bandana I do get looks.

I see lots of views but no comments, feel free to comment, I'd like to hear from YOU :) Do you do any volunteering work, if yes SHARE WITH ME.

I've gotta say having an itcy scalp drives me CRAZY!!! Now what I like since this is my new habit to help me to keep a positive mental attitude. I hate having an itchy scalp and do like having shampoo to take care of  it.

Below is recent pic of me now since Child Cancr Funrazor.

                                                                       17 JAN 2014

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Hey Readers :)

My hair is growing back and I'm very glad 'cause still having headaches/migraines :(  For 2014 every time I complain about something like having headaches/migraines I try to think of something I do like which is at least I have medication to help with the headaches/migraines so I don't have to suffer. It' s my 2014 and throughout life Positive Mental Attitude.

I see LOTS OF YOU are reading my blog and I would LOVE for you to make any comments maybe share you're experience if you've been on a cancer journey or shaved your lid for a brave kid too.


                                             BEFORE FUNRAZOR 4 DECEMBER 2013

                                                   DAY OF FUNRAZOR 5 DECEMBER 2013

                                         DAY AFTER FUNRAZOR 6 DECEMBER 2013

                                  NOW 9 JANUARY 2014 (35 DAYS AFTER FUNRAZOR)

Thursday 2 January 2014

To start 2014 I was in South City Mall, Christchurch and After eating a scrumptious sandwich from PITA PIT my 8 year old son wanted one too so I asked him to stay with our stuff (lots of baggage when out and about with kids when I don't drive) so I could go get him one. There was a man and woman next to us in the food court and the man offered to look after our stuff so my son could go play in playground instead of waiting until I got back with my son's Pita sandwich. It was kind of him to offer to look after our stuff and yes I was wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana at this time, I've never had someone offer to look after my stuff before, so again when wearing the pink bandana I was treated differently with kindness.

It's getting so HOT I'm wearing my pink CANTEEN bandana everyday even inside, without hair my head cooks and causes headaches/migraines too and wearing my soaked bandana feels like having my hair back, I forget I'm wearing my bandana till I'm getting ready for bed and I realise oh yeah I'm wearing my bandana better take it off.

At the Child Cancer Funrazor last December there was a boy who was shaving his head for the 5th time! Good on him 'cause it was my first and last I'm just not coping well without my hair, I guess going into pre-menopause at 37 years isn't helping either not having hair. I never realised how shaving my head has affected my health mainly causing headaches/migraines too.

This is the pink CANTEEN bandana I'm always saying about and now you can see what I look like when I'm wearing it, would you think I had cancer just seeing me wearing it?