Monday 24 February 2014

Hey Ya'll . I didn't win FAMILY TIMES BLOG COMPETITION but it's encouraged me to blog and I love blogging so thanks Rochelle she's the one who helped me set up my blog, it took me a few tries but with Rochelle's help and my persistence success.

Update of how my hair is growing back.


AFTER with my two sons
 24 FEBRUARY 2014
The paper I'm holding has my name written in Japanese Calligraphy, done at Canterbury Japan Day yesterday Sunday 23 February 2014 at Riccarton Race Course.



Thursday 6 February 2014

Hey People this is the last entry as part of Family Times Blog Competition.

My experience after Shaving My Lid For A Brave Kid has been an experience I'll always remember, the generosity of family and friends to help Me raise $270 for Child Cancer a great effort.

After having done this Shave My Lid For A Brave Kid 'cause of constant migraines/headaches and having to wear my pink CANTEEN bandana soaked to keep my head cool, I won't be Shaving My Lid For A BRAVE KID again, however I will donate to Child Cancer and support anyone I know willing to SHAVE THEIR LID FOR A BRAVE KID.

Cancer is close to home my brother had Hogkins Disease and went through chemotherapy and got through it, I couldn't be there as it happened first trimester during pregnancy and too risky for both of us.

My 2 year old niece went through chemotherapy to help cancer in her eye, and it has been successful and having Starship Hospital was great support for my sister and husband too.

Lastly I lost my Dad to cancer of the pancreas last August, it happened very fast and within months he was gone.

I'm just GRATFUL for all the SUPPPORT there is for people going through a CANCER JOURNEY, not a pleasant time but good to know there is HELP :)

So this is the end of my blog SHAVING MY LID FOR A BRAVE KID.

Now this blog has come to an end I've enjoyed blogging so much I've got another blog all about Mums, everything to do with them
Thanks to all who read my blog and voted for my blog too.
I gotta say I like my new hairdo and don't miss my long hair at all ;)